Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Simple, Healthy Dessert

Simple, Healthy Dessert

Looking for a way to use that fruit that's past its prime & attracting fruit-flies? Bake it! Baking ripe fruit allows the natural juices to come out and caramelize creating a super sweet yet healthy treat. You can do this with just about any fruit that has a skin. Today, I used pears.

Here's how:

1. Slice the fruit in halves or quarters and remove any seeds and stems.
2. Place a layer of fruit in a casserole dish or Pryex container skin side down. Use something that is deep enough to contain all the juices--cookie sheets won't work.
3. Sprinkle fruit with cinnamon or apple pie spice.
4. Bake at 325 degrees for approximetly 20 minutes.
5. Let cool & enjoy!

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